This application contains the way how to prevent against cholesterolcauses cholesteroland treatment with natural ingredientsThis app Free and Offline
12 Feature Feature High Cholesterol You Do not Sangka
1.Nyeri DadaWhen the already high cholesterol can cause fatty buildup in the arteries. These conditions often make the blood flow to the heart becomes smooth. Chest pain often associated with this condition. But usually often overlooked and considered as the taste too tired. Pain can trigger blood flow is not smooth and may be an indication of heart disease symptoms.
2.Sakit Foot and HandPeople who have high cholesterol levels may also experience pain in the hands and feet. The pain is defined as discomfort, pain when used for lifting objects and difficult to be moved. In older people, it often feels hot and tingling in the feet and hands that affect its function. It is a sign that cholesterol is already causing blood flow in the legs and hands are not smooth.
Breathing 3.SulitHigh cholesterol can also cause respiratory walk uncomfortable. This condition occurs when there is a lot of cholesterol that has accumulated on the arterial flow of the body. The heart is not able to pump blood properly consequently the body is deprived of oxygen. People who have suffered a stroke may experience shortness of breath worse. These symptoms are also common in people who are obese.
4.Tubuh Very TiredVery tired body can occur in all people suffering from disorders of high cholesterol. The main problem is when the body actually does not get enough blood flow and oxygen levels are very low. Various organs of the body is forced to perform hard metabolism while the heart and blood vessels are also problematic. For diabetics, the condition can be quite alarming because sugar levels are too high and very low insulin.
Weak Foot 5.Otot
6.Nyeri Neck and Back
7.Sakit Head
8.Kehilangan balance
Red 9.Wajah
10.Mual and Vomiting,
11.Emosi Unstable
12.Sering tingling